You will need
  • - tonometer.
If you have a headache measure blood pressure. If it goes above 139/89 mm Hg.St., the cause of the pain is probably due to the hypertension. In addition to the appearance cephalgia as the pressure increases, you may notice a flashing "flies" before the eyes, palpitations, sensation of heat and shivering in the body, the appearance of weakness and nausea.
Note the relationship of pain with stressful situations, overwork and lack of sleep. If the feeling of tightening of a head helmet, eye strain and nausea, and dizziness appear after nervous overstrain, the cause cephalgia is the pinching of the occipital nerve "petrified" from the stress of the neck muscles. At the time of the appearance of the next attack of pain felt the back of the head and the back of the neck, the appearance of discomfort when pressed on some points confirm the conjecture of the muscular origin of pain.
Make some smooth movements of the head to the right and to the left. When the crunch contact your therapist for referral for radiography of the cervical spine. In the picture, the doctor will confirm or exclude the presence of cervical degenerative disc disease. Low back pain can cause headaches because it will disturb the natural position of the vertebrae and compression of the arteries supplying the brain. The lack of blood subjectively perceived head painYu.
If you experience pain that begins with the eyes, and then exciting the entire head, see an ophthalmologist. May cause cephalgia is in violation of accommodation (myopia, hyperopia, etc.) or astigmatism.
If the head pain came after the recent colds, consult ENT doctor to undergo radiography of the paranasal sinuses. Often pain syndrome caused by the occurrence of sinusitis, i.e., inflammation of the sinuses.
Give a common blood test to know the level of hemoglobin and quantity of erythrocytes. Cephalalgia can be caused by anemia, in which the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen.
Go through ultrasonic dopplerography of cerebral vessels. This study will determine the status of blood flow, evaluate the tone of blood vessels and the intracranial pressure value. Doppler ultrasound detects vasospasm, aneurysms, narrowing of arteries, increased intracranial pressure. All these conditions can cause headaches.
Go through computer or magnetic-resonant tomography of the brain. CT and MRI provide the most complete information about the cause of the pain syndrome.