At the top of the sheet write: "the Plan of income and expenses". Next, select the year for which prepared this document.
Make a table to get 6 columns. In the first of them, in the first column in the header write: "Figure". Further, in the second column, indicate the first quarter, in the third second, fourth — third fifth — fourth quarter and in the last email: "total".
Fill in the data table. List the name of indicators income and expenditures: - revenues from sales;- costs of imported goods;- gross profit from sales;- overhead costs; trading costs;- advertising costs;- the wage of managerial personnel;- depreciation;- other costs;- profit.
Make the values of the indicators, breaking them down by quarter. You can use the balance sheet for the previous periods and already the basis of those data, display the plan values.
Count totals. All received data are entered in the last column. In order to calculate this value, you must add up all amounts for the quarter for each indicator.
Remember that financial planning in the company should be linked with forecasting economic activity and be based on the indicators (output and implementation of the capex plan, estimates the cost of production, etc.). However, the financial plan may not be a simple arithmetic calculation of the production in some financial indicators.
Identify in the process of writing a plan is not reflected in standard indicators of intraeconomic reserves and find methods on the most effective use of production capacity available to the company. Identify ways to make better spendingthe creation of financial and material resources.