How to send free SMS and MMS with the help of a special program
This method does not require special knowledge. Thanks iSendSMS is a free program that can send free SMS and MMS from your computer. This program supports mobile operators in Russia and countries In sending text and multimedia messages using the PC has many advantages:
- you can send SMS and MMS free of charge;
- send SMS and MMS computer can virtually any computer user, it does not need to have special knowledge and possess some special skills;
on the computer keyboard is comfortable to type on.
How to install a free program iSendSMS
NUzhno download the archive and click on the file, will appear the standard installation window.
Then traditionally agree to the terms of the license agreement and select the folder where the program is installed. Now if you want you can create a folder in "start menu". Create a shortcut on your desktop.
The program is completely in Russian. The program menu is intuitive, when you hover on any element, you immediately receive the corresponding tooltip. To use the program very easily.
When sending MMS you should pay attention to the size of the image. Very large files the program can not send.
Important! When sending MMS in the text box you need to put at least one of any letter, otherwise, the multimedia message will not be sent.
Here's a handy program that will allow you to send SMS and MMS from PC to mobile for free.
How to send SMS through the website of the mobile operator for free
This is a very simple way. Need to register on the website of your operator of cellular communication. On the official website is and the function of sending free SMS. However, this method has its disadvantages: sending free messages only within the network, in case of sending SMS to another operator account will be debited money and the number of characters is strictly limited.
How to send free SMS with using the mailing list
This is a more time consuming method compared to all others, but if you get used to it, you can then easily use this function.
Need to find a mail service that supports SMS-newsletter, and register.
Now, entering the office, you can send messages to the numbers of the various operators in the format: phone number@ Internet provider address".
In this way, there is one distinct advantage, which is not available on other services. Using the anonymous email to send anonymous messages.
However, some operators may at any time change the distribution algorithm, so this method may not work.