You will need
- - statement of acceptance of inheritance;
- - the will with a mark that it really is not changed;
- - certificate of testator's death;
- - certificate of ownership of the testator;
- - technical passport for the apartment;
- - certificate of housing maintenance office for registration;
- - a certificate of technical inventory Bureau;
- - passport;
- - certificate of birth (of an heir);
- - ID number;
- - photocopies of the specified documents (preferably in 2 copies).
To receive an inheritance from a relative, go to the last residence of the testator. If unknown, go to the location of the inherited property (dispersion of assets in different regions the point of arrival should be the most valuable part of the inheritance).
Try to enter into the rights of inheritance within 6 months. Otherwise, the right to the inheritance you will need to prove in court, and testified a good reason that prevented you to take it. You can claim the remaining assets on the basis of wills and the law (rights of kinship).
For entry of inheritance, please refer to the notary, show the necessary documents and write a statement of inheritance. After verification of all documents and payment for their services, the notary will issue you with a certificate of right to inheritance.
Upon receipt of the notary certificate of inheritance, go with this document to the local Bureau of technical inventory, where it will register and returns filed with him an excerpt of the registration of title to real estate.
Don't forget to evaluate the inherited property, depending on its wear (it makes the technician of Bureau of technical inventory) for the payment of tax. After joining the right of inheritance to pay 30% of property value as tax (section 3 of article 224 of the RF Tax code).
After that, back home, pay another 15% of the value of the property received in the state budget of Ukraine (article 174.2.3 of the Tax code of Ukraine). However, if you are the testator of the first degree relative (husband, wife, parents and children), to pay a tax you do not need, since this category of persons law of a neighboring state provides for a zero rate of taxation. All other relatives pay 5% of the value of inherited property, and unauthorized persons - 15 %. This is the standard income tax rate in Ukraine.
As a law abiding citizen, it is your duty to submit to the tax authorities of Ukraine the Declaration on the income from the inheritance received abroad, indicating the value of the estate.
Useful advice
Usually, in order to reduce the amount of tax in the Declaration indicate the numbers are too low. It is quite convenient and common practice, as the Ukrainian tax authorities do not have the ability to verify the accuracy of the information de facto. That is why some people do not declare their property abroad.