Upon removal from the military account you will need to first submit an application to the local recruiting office and indicate to him the exact address of the departure. In this case, in the military you can request a certificate of temporary registration or residence permits in connection with the fact that they can't remove you from the account "the void". This is a mandatory procedure. After you submitting the necessary documents, withdrew the same with the military account at the old address, you must promptly (2 weeks) upon arrival to the new location to get up for military service here.
The law "On military duty and military service" is not disclosed the exact meaning of the phrase "temporary residence". But by conventional standards it is believed that this term refers to the actual location of the person.
In this case, you have a duty to stand up for military service immediately after arrival. The procedure itself is not very complicated. At the new address, please contact the local military Commissariat, regardless of whether you registered on the new site or not. Remember, there is no registration or temporary registration at the new place of residence is not associated with the military registration. And in case of default of this condition and departure from this territory in less than 14 days from the date that appears on it, you may be held liable for nepostanovku for military service.
And if you are going to leave Russia and to go abroad, you must hand in a military Commissariat of the identity of the citizen who is subject to military conscription. This certificate will be attached to your personnel file in the military. In case of permanent residence abroad, your private affair is destroyed when you reach 27 years of age. But traveling abroad, provided that you are going to get back, have their own legal effects, including those associated with removal from the military registration.