You can repay the loan on the map of Alfa-Bank in any branch. To do this, bring your passport and credit card, and then provide these documents to the Bank employee. You print a payment document, with this document, you will be able to pay the loan through the operating Bank.
Pay the loan on the card of Alfa Bank through its ATMs, which provide the function of entering of cash. In order to make such a payment, you will need to insert the card into the ATM and select "cash to card". Then type on the keyboard of the ATM the desired amount and insert the banknotes in a special compartment for receiving funds.
Make a payment for a loan with instant payment terminals of the company "Eleksnet". For this you will need to select Alfa-Bank among the available list in the terminal. Then select "add money to card" and then key in the required amount of cash to replenish the card. Next, you will only make cash in a special cash receiver apparatus.
Fund your account with your credit card Alfa-Bank using the service "alpha-click". In order to make money with this method, you must have another account in this Bank or another card of Alfa Bank (debit). That is, you go to the Internet-Bank Alfa-Bank and simply can make transfers between your accounts. Also if you have a purse "" or WebMoney you can transfer money from any of them on a credit card.
Unable to pay the loan on the map of Alfa-Bank with its partners: the salons of "Euroset", terminals of the payment service "Kiwi" salons "Alt-Telekom", banks participating in the system Contact, payment service Rapid.