Deciding to save, start to take into account all your expenses. Get a notebook for records of expenditures, or download the appropriate computer program. Record any purchased detail. Keep home accounts daily and at the end of each week summarize. Analyze what you spend your money. Perhaps it will surprise you.
One of the major items of expenditure – food. It is quite possible to save, and without the slightest damage to health. Forget the words "Buy a sample", "Try new" and the like. Buy only what you really need. Before going to the store make a list of prospective purchases and follow him.
Spend monitoring of prices at nearby stores and select the one where the prices of products from your list minimal. Keep in mind – if the store is far from home, to the cost of the products will have to add transport costs (including petrol for your car).
Spend monitoring of prices at nearby stores and select the one where the prices of products from your list minimal. Keep in mind – if the store is far from home, to the cost of the products will have to add transport costs (including petrol for your car).
Buying products and household chemicals, pay attention to those that the shop produces under its own brand. They are much cheaper and the quality is usually quite high.
Eliminate spontaneous purchases of chocolate, carbonated beverages, magazines, lottery tickets.Going to work or for a walk, do not take your purse – so you can avoid the temptation to buy some trifle.
Reduce trips to food service establishments. The only option that you can afford in austerity – budget business lunch. Choose a restaurant or cafe, where the price of such a lunch as low as possible, and the portions are substantial. Fully eliminate from your menu fast food is not only unhealthy, but also very uneconomical.
Nice to save on the entertainment. Count, for example, the cost of a Sunday release with two children. Cafe, cinema or the children's center, plus a mandatory purchase things like toys, popcorn, cotton candy and other unnecessary trifles. Instead of expensive leisure activities a family visit to the Park or go on a picnic (food for a picnic, take out of the house).
Actively use the free services. Instead of purchasing the next book sign up in the library. Instead of going to the movies, go to the staging of student theater – ticket price will be symbolic. And don't forget about friendly services. Perhaps among your pals there are hairdressers or computer? You will be able to benefit from their support, offering to replace her.
The money saved definitely wait - the only way you'll really feel just how much he could save. Get a separate Bank account with the possibility of unlimited investment for the period of Deposit and interest capitalization. At the end of the year you will find this account quite a significant amount.