You can draw up a Protocol of inspection of place of incident with his own, to use technical equipment, e.g. computer, not prohibited by law other methods of writing. During procedural actions have the right to audiotape, photograph the actions of participants or to remove events on a video camera. All materials attached to the case, which is documented in the inventory. Participants in the familiarization with the case, before sending it to the court, can make copies.
The record of the date, this is usually done on the form in the upper right corner. Be sure to place the start and end time of procedural actions with minute precision. Next, enter personal data and position of the person who drafted the document. Then list all the participants, write their details, addresses, phone numbers.
Insert in the document all the actions of the persons involved in the inspection of place of incident, logical sequence that followed. Details of applications, complaints made by them in the course of action. It is very important for the materials of the case during pretrial proceedings.
Please note that the Protocol must be specified what technical means were used during the operation, the order of their use, relative to which objects they were used and the results obtained. Be sure to note that the participants were briefed about the use of technology, as in the document put their signatures.
The Protocol must read for all participants in the proceedings, they may make changes in its content, to comment, to Express their own comments and clarifications. All additions must be certified by their signatures.
Next, the investigator or the investigator puts his signature at the bottom of the document and attaches it to the criminal or civil case. This also included the negatives, if used photography, videos, on special media, audio tapes, drawings, charts, plans and other evidence.
You can choose not to provide personal information in the Protocol of inspection of place of occurrence, the participants of the process at risk. In this case, is not subject to disclosure information about the place of residence and other information of the victim, witnesses, representatives of the parties. This is necessary to render a decision detailing the reasons for such a decision, there is written the alias of the participant and his / her sample signature. Document is certified in the proper order, it should be put in an envelope which is sealed and attached to the materials of the criminal case.
Specify the Protocol information for clarification to all participants of the inspection of the place of the incident their rights, duties, responsibilities and procedure of the investigative action, which shall be certified by signatures of persons participating.