Before you begin create a server from your home computer, you should consider some important points. First, you need to understand that the common personal computer as a serverand fit is not quite right. If you post on such servere popular website, the users will be very inconvenient to visit, because the server will be scary to slow down". Secondly, you will need unlimited high speed Internet channel. Thirdly, you should buy from your ISP a static IP address for your computer. If you have fulfilled all these prerequisites, then you can start to create your Internetserver.
It takes a little software variety of skills in configuring operating systems and a day or two of time. First and foremost, to create your own serverand you will need to install on your personal computer serveroperating system ing. You can choose the following operating systems: Windows Server 2003 and 2008, OpenSolaris, Apache, or almost any Linux. To understand the settings of any of these operating systems, if there is a video of the system or of the user's guide, is not difficult. It will take you a couple of hours (in the case of Windows Server) or a day or two in the case of Linux.
After you configure the servertarget operating system under your chosen parameters, you can establish a website, bind it to IP address of your computer, configure the DNS and/or host computer required for downloading files. It will all work. Do not forget about mail clients, and other related programs that may need you and users of your resource.