Even if the divorce process has already begun, you haven't lost anything. Don't rush or get excited. Once you have become a plaintiff and filed the petition for dissolution of marriage in court, you still have time to think. Be honest with yourself and consider the situation objectively. It may be that the breakup is your fault. Try to recognize your mistakes and omissions. Understand that in any marriage there is a mutual duty that must be performed. What is the point to abandon an existing marriage, if next time the same situation could happen again.
Talk with your spouse. Do it in a relaxed atmosphere. You don't have to find out who is right and who is wrong. The purpose of this conversation to find out what happened and why your so hot love to each other could not stand trial. Together discuss how to improve the situation, if you still cherish each other. It is especially necessary to do when you are responsible for children.
If you change your mind to divorce, write a disclaimer in the claim. According to article 39 of the Civil procedure code of the Russian Federation, you have the opportunity to withdraw his lawsuit and abandon the claim at any stage of the proceedings. The statement renouncing the claim to write the name of the judge your case. Contact the court and get there official form. Fill it in, enter the case number in which you waive further proceedings. In the header, after ' district court or magistrates, legibly and clearly indicate your surname, name, patronymic, address of residence.
The statement must indicate the reasons why you decided to withdraw the case. Then write a standard phrase that you are informed about the consequences of the rejection of the claim provided by article 221 of the Civil procedure code of the Russian Federation. Put your painting, give her the transcript and specify the date of writing the application. Send it to the court by mail or hand it personally.