You will need
  • - 7-times magnifying glass or binocular microscope.
To determine insect, you should know its main features. His body consists of three parts – head, thorax and abdomen. The eyes of insects are placed on the head, equipped with a pair of antennae on the underside of the Breasts are three pairs of legs. All insects are six-legged. To the upper side of the chest, often attached pair or two pairs of wings that can be covered with a hard chitinous elytra.
Carefully review the structure of the caught insect. Contact with him during the inspection very carefully, so as not to damage the legs or wings. If the first sign – the head, thorax and abdomen are present, note on the insect head, its antennae, which provide it the organs of smell and touch.
Whiskers are an important feature in determining the insect. They are: filiform, clavate, spindle-shaped, serrated, comb-like, lamellar, plumose and crankshaft. Similarly, different types of feet. Describing the insect, use the definition of its extremities: walking, jumping, digging, swimming and grasping.
For recognizing insect take advantage of the special publication – keys to insects, consisting of corresponding tables, in which the insect is classified in the totality of its external signs. Tables you can easily determine the identity of the insect to the order and family. In the tables, however, taken into account the characteristics only of large insects larger than 5 mm.
In each table describes the characteristics of the group of insects, and marked with their numbers. In parentheses indicate the numbers under which are listed opposite signs. For example, two groups: 1(6) of Wings or their rudiments no 6(1) Wings, or their rudiments are available. Start defining, examining an insect , and passing from sign to sign. If no wings, look for its description in group 1, and then proceed to group 2, if they are in a group of 6 and then to the subsequent paragraph tables.
Sequentially selecting the presence or the absence of any external sign, you will reach your ultimate goal – read the description of the insect in Latin, and next to it in Russian is written the name of the squad or family. Click on the link to the page where there is a series of colored drawings, and specify the specific name of the insect. If its shape, color and size will match the image in the Atlas, the definition of an insect can be considered complete.