You will need
  • Decompiler;
  • - disassembler.
View the source code of a program using its source code. A source file contains code written by the programmer when creating software, then it is compiled with a special instrumentow and transformed into an installation file.
If you have lost the source code, or is it inaccessible to you for other reasons, take advantage of special programs-Decompiler software. There are also program-disassembler. Please note that viewing the source code can often become impossible in cases where you do not know which programming language was used in its development.
If you want to find the code of a free program, do a search on the Internet with your request. Also, try to download this program and in the menu find the option "View source code". Usually it is available for freely distributed programs.
Be careful when using them, in particular this applies to programs not downloaded from the developer's site, since the source can be planted malicious code that when installed on your computer also installs Trojans, keyloggers and so on.
Be careful when using software Decompiler software, as many software developers use special programs that make the process of recreating the source code. If the program was written in assembler, also accepted a special program.
Tools back software quite a lot, do not use them for fraudulent purposes or to make changes in the programs with the closed code, because often these actions are a liability in accordance with the law.