You will need
  • - hemorrhoidal suppositories with adrenaline;
  • - brick, garlic;
  • - tincture of calendula;
  • device "Krinos".
To treat bleeding hemorrhoids prescribe such remedies as "Menadione" (intramuscularly or intravenously). Help normalize blood circulation drugs such as "Glivenol", "Endotelon", "Detralex" and others. If the patient suffers from frequent bleeding, it is recommended to use candles with epinephrine, and collagen sponge.
Essential medicines for hemorrhoids improving venous tone are "Glivenol", "Ginkor Fort", "Endotelon", "Cyclo 3 Fort". For effective treatment is always a complex approach is used which involves several drugs aimed at pain relief, stop bleeding and improve the condition of the veins.
Folk medicine recommends to use an ancient method which will help to stop the bleeding hemorrhoids. This will require a brick. Heat it and put in a basket or bucket. On top of the brick place the chopped garlic sit on the bucket and cuddle up with a warm blanket or towel. Evaporation of garlic will help to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding and relieve acute effects of hemorrhoids. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times.
To prevent the aggravation of the hemorrhoidal process, it is recommended each time after defecation to wash with cool water. Lotions of tincture of calendula weaken the bleeding hemorrhoids.
Since ancient times to stop bleeding, narrowing of the blood vessels and relieving the pain of hemorrhoids, people use ice. Modern medicine offers a device "Krinos". This unit contains a fluid, which tends to melt much slower than regular ice. The device is made of plastic, due to this, the ice itself is not in contact with the walls of the intestine, respectively, will not get burn from the cold. Treatment of ice will bring considerable relief and stop the bleeding.