The manifestation of fear and indecision, when you first sit behind the wheel – it is a normal reaction for any driver in the initial stages of Dating with the road. Another thing that you need to be able to manage your fears, not allow them to win yourself and a desire to drive a car. Most often fears are related to the occurrence of difficult or unusual situations on the road. Throw away negative thoughts about the fact that the accident or some unpleasant situation need to happen.
Visualize and place that need to be taken in case of an emergency. Rehearse the necessary actions: pressing the brake, shifting gears and turning the steering wheel. Imagine what speed is most comfortable for you. These proven exercises will give you confidence.
Before you go on the road, check the readiness of your machine, get in a comfortable position for you the driver's seat, adjust mirrors, fasten your safe belt.
Prepare and practice with the instructor or the person helping you to master the technique of driving three main route that is most familiar to you. And drive them daily, at least 30 minutes. Take independently one of three routes in the early morning on weekends when traffic is much reduced. Do not miss the opportunity self-driving. Do not make long breaks, even if you're very busy. Once these routes are worked by you during the weekend, start to leave at the usual time on weekdays.
Bring a passenger, competent in driving, if you feel unsure on the road. But do not overdo the trips with a guide. Don't get used to the fact that someone might for you to press the brake pedal or turn the steering wheel. Once you secure the skills learned in driving school get behind the wheel and drive the car yourself.
On the road always pay attention to the signs, the turns. Stick to the middle row with the flow of traffic, keep your distance from cars ahead. You should not move to the extreme right lane, where you will have to make a lot of bypass maneuvers.
Feel free accidental stops or pauses on the road. It may happen that your car will stall and not immediately start at an intersection, do not panic and remain calm. Do not pay attention to comments and signals to other drivers – start the car with no fuss. Stay confident and calm, your error is just one of those that make all drivers, including aces-professionals.
Ask for help from other drivers in case of technical problems. Do not hesitate to contact others. Keep always at hand a road map. Write down the phone numbers of those to whom you can turn for help in such situations, or emergency services. If the car stopped, turn on hazard lights and wait for assistance.