You will need
- - Corn starch or potato - 2-3 tablespoons;
- - the boiling water – 1 Cup;
- - cold water – ½ Cup.
Take a small enamel bowl with high sides and whisk or fork. Pour into a bowl of starch and fill it with cold water. You must immediately pour the entire portion. Stirring quickly, make sure that the starch turned into a homogeneous slurry. Experienced hostess had noticed a remarkable pattern: to interfere with the starch, so that it was not subsequently soured, and that the lumps quickly disappeared, should be clockwise. But, of course, if it is uncomfortable, it may not follow this rule.
When all the lumps in the starch disperse, boil water and pour it immediately into a bowl of starch paste. Pour it in a thin stream, stirring constantly and ensure that zagustevat, the paste was homogeneous, without clots or flakes.
If the starch had been stored for a long time, its properties could be alleviated and it will be not so intense to thicken. In this case, put it briefly in the bowl on the stove on the lowest heat. Don't forget to stir constantly, to not burnt at the bottom of the bowl. Look at the circumstances, but 5 minutes is usually enough for starch to boil and thickens. On its surface formed small bubbles.
Remove the bowl from the heat and transfer into a bowl with cold water or in a cool place, for example, on the windowsill to cool down. Usually after that the paste becomes more thick, so keep this in mind when brewing starch.