The emphasis in the word "statue": modern and outdated regulations

In the modern Russian language the correct version of the production of the stress in the word "statue" is only one – on the first syllable (statue). It was his point as a normative one, without exception, reference books. In some dictionaries, considers the difficulties of pronunciation, the accent, "the statue" even is separately specified as being erroneous. For example, in the authoritative pronouncing Handbook, edited by Gorbachevich, it is offered with the labels "wrong." In Ushakov's explanatory dictionary is listed as obsolete accent and vernacular.

Indeed, the accented "statue" was once widespread in the Russian language, and was considered normative in the XVII-XIX century, and even in the early XX. That is why this variant of the accent can be found in poems by many Russian classics such as Pushkin, Maikov, Nekrasov, or even ENU. However, Nekrasov and Gumilev had used in his work, both as the old rule of "statue" and "statue" with the accent on the "A".

To date, however, the Russian language was finally confirmed the pronunciation of the word "statue" with the accent on the first syllable, and this option is standard. A "statue" is used either in an ironic, parodic vein, either as a part of speech features of the character (if the author wants to emphasize his lack of education, lack of culture).

On which syllable is stressed in the word "statue" in the decline

The word "statue" belongs to the feminine gender and to the first declension. Accent on the "A" in the first syllable will be maintained in all cases as singular or plural:

  • to see the statue of Liberty
  • lubovta statues of the Summer garden,
  • ancient statues,
  • restoration of marble statues.