Gastritis is the scourge of modern society. Only a specialist can paint the right food to ease the burden on the mucosa. The first and most important rule is regular meals. It's necessary to eat frequently and not large portions. The body quickly adapts to the new food, stomach acid breaks down food.
The first day of this diet should go with a large fluid intake. The liquid may be plain water, or mineral water, natural juices, tea, coffee without sugar. On the second day and then on the second, be sure to add low-fat soups, water-based porridge made from various cereals, boiled eggs.
Diet for gastritis with low acid content. The first day is also drinking. Allowed, jelly, juices, tea, coffee without sugar. In the daily diet should include oatmeal. In General, you can use products that contain protein. Good eggs, beans, split peas, peanuts. But sour fruits and vegetables, such as sorrel, spinach, citrus, and various spices.

Normal and high acidity. This diet is similar to the previous one, but it included dairy products with low fat content.
Pancreatitis acute from wrong eating. Mayonnaise, sweets, bread and savoury dishes – all this is harmful to the body during disease. Because of such foods in the body disturbed metabolism. Malfunctioning pancreas begins to produce insulin, which is required for carbohydrate metabolism, and lipoxin preventing fat deposits on the liver. When the disease is completely changed diet. Basically it is made up of dishes after preparation, preserve the useful substances and do not irritate. The menu consists of lean protein foods, with an almost complete exclusion of carbohydrates. Also completely removed fried, stewed, fatty foods and crude fiber.
It is strictly forbidden:
- Any alcohol, sodas, coffee, cocoa, juices;
- Fat meat, fat;
- Vegetables and fruits with high acidity;
- Bean;
- Bread, pastries;
- Dried fruit;
- Bananas;
- Eggs;
- Chocolate products.
- Dishes on milk;
- Oatmeal in water or skim milk;
- Kefir and fermented milk drinks;
- Fish is not fat;
- Egg omelets for a couple;
- Boiled chicken without skin;
- Boiled beef.
The basis of the diet – low-fat protein foods without salt peppers, not fried.