The fact is that most girls try to choose a diet for yourself and this is wrong, because in this case you need the professional approach of a specialist who will consider all aspects of the patient's health and develop a customized program. Choosing the wrong diet you may face with the following problems: stress, lack of energy, drowsiness and worsening of chronic diseases. Most people naively believe that diet is only a restriction of supply and effective way of weight loss.

In fact, the best way to lose weight is exercise, which helps strengthen muscles. The effect will be more noticeable if you combine exercise and proper nutrition. With such a diet people should limit the amount of salt in the diet, forget about fatty foods and to pay more attention to vegetables and dairy products.

Of course, do not forget about nutrients such as iron and protein. Enter into the everyday diet of eggs and foods containing calcium. You can use tools such as ginger water, it improves metabolism and removes toxins from the body. Try to drink more water, avoid fizzy drinks and coffee. From too sweet to be abandoned, or just try to eat carbohydrates in the morning.

Also don't forget that with a sharp decrease in weight worsens the condition of the skin, it becomes flabby, and stretch marks will appear so you should always remember the rule "no more than 1 kilogram in a week." Summing up, it should say that it is not necessary to engage in independent action and, if you still decided to go on a diet, it is best to consult with a good nutritionist. Take care of yourself, not debilitate the body a complete rejection of food, and most importantly, exercise.