Some children do not like to go to the country, as there desperately miss familiar things and friends, while the adults are busy with their own Affairs. The child is not bored, you need to offer them options of interesting pastime.

1. The treasure hunt. Draw the plan of your site (so that the child could understand) and mark the spot where the buried/ hidden treasures. The prize can serve as a sweet treat, toys, books, etc. The game is good because it can play as one child or several, or even several teams of 4-5 people.

2. Young photographer. If the child is fairly independent, you can give him a camera and offer to take pictures of something interesting: birds, butterflies, flowers, insects, etc. Also make a child feel like a real photographer, you can give him the job. For example, to photograph a certain tree or plant, the neighbor's cat or chickens. Pictures then it is necessary to discuss, to praise a child and learn what he likes the most.

3. Assistant. You can give the kids a small plot of land for weeding, dividing them into 2 teams. Kids will love to compete and still feel a real helper.

4. Hut. Help to build a kids shed. New entertainment will keep them busy, because children love to build your house and show in the game is your imagination.

5. Playing with the water. In hot weather children will especially enjoy the water activities.

Target. On the wall with chalk to draw a target (circle, heart, etc.). To prepare a sponge and a bucket of water. Let the children throw at a target with a wet sponge until then, until the image is completely washed away.

- Painter. You will need a bucket of water and paintbrushes on the number of children. Let the children "paint" the fence, porch or doghouse.

6. Playing with the sand. Sandbox - one of my favorite places every kid, so he likes new games with sand.

- The drawings. Smooth out the sand and ask a child to draw on it with a stick. You can draw animals, cars or a house. Then you can invite the child to lay out the pattern with stones, sticks or grass (like application).

Castle. Build a castle for your favorite outdoor toys of the child and placed her in it. Around the castle you can build a fence, reinforced with sticks, dig a moat and fill it with water.

- The treasure. Bury in the sandbox a small toy or a coin and invite a child to find it.