The easiest way to get acquainted with a foreigner on the Internet. There are plenty of specialized sites. According to the statistics, they really helped to create a countless number of unions. However, immediately after registering on the site of a miracle in the form of a proposal of marriage can be expected. And even if it happens, it is at least suspicious. Decisive action should be done – to study the psychology of men, foreign languages, ability to communicate on various topics and to adapt the dialogue.
In practice, strong women are several times more likely to "hook up" with a foreigner. If you wait until a foreigner to find a specific person, you can even manage to grow old. The best technique to disarm the hearts of the foreigner or ties dialogue to ask for advice in the topic which he understands. For example, if a man loves fishing, then you should ask him what bait is best or what rod is required for certain types of fish. Thus it is necessary to constantly praise the alien as a skilled and indispensable man, because men like compliments not less than women.
To marry a foreigner can also, if you often go to rest in resorts. But there will have to take the initiative. Knowledge of languages, good appearance and personality will be in this case assistants.