As will perceive your the the viewer depends on the correct choice of technical parameters. First of all, the photographer must pay attention to the installation of the composition. The location of the objects in the frame is of great importance for picture quality. The objects of attention of the photographer must be sharp, and the ones that the background is blurred. This is not difficult, the main thing is to learn the functions of the camera and a little practice.

Great role for a picture is light. The elements of the image should not be heavily exposed or be in deep shadow. For example, the luminous side of the sun can damage the frame, and with the right composition will make the photo three-dimensional and realistic. Flash can greatly brighten the picture, and then all objects will look flat and not expressive. In another case, a flash, illuminating the shadows too deep, will help to create a good photo.

Use the zoom to adjust the zoom of the object is not difficult, but it is important to keep in mind that if you shoot a subject closer and to widen the viewing angle, the picture will be not what we would like. How you choose the focal length of the lens will depend on the perspective effect. The shorter the focal length the wider the angle, the effect will be more tangible. In other words, distant objects will look smaller.

Single shots are extremely good, but rarely people are interested. For the full expression of their ideas for the photographer it is recommended to remove the footage from different angles and with different approaches. This technique is surprisingly effective to the audience - they find something of their own. The more photos, the better the quality and increase the choice of the best of them.

Creating photos should be in two stages, with the camera and computer programs. After pictures were taken, they must be modified with the help of editing programs. Allows you to lighten, darken desired areas, to reduce or to add contrast.