1. Careful selection of care products

Carefully read labels and purchase tools specifically created for fine hair. Thanks to them, the curls will look fresh and lush, and there is a sense that the strands are too heavy. Pay attention to the professional line of hair. For example, Nioxin system # 1 and # 3 specifically designed for fine hair and help reinforce hair without overloading them.

2. Daily washing hair

Of course, if you feel the need. Clean hair will look more volume and better Shine. In addition, due to the porous structure of thin hair is very easy to absorb any smells and dirty faster. Plus clean hair easier to style and give volume.

3. Careful drying

You should not wring your hair with the force and twist the towel on your head into a tight harness — excessive friction can cause excessive breakage. Gently DAB excess moisture with a towel and allow strands to dry before you comb and dry hair dryer.

Suitable means for hair care:


Hair spray thermo-Aktiv strengthens the inner hair structure, does not require rinsing.


Chamouni, “Intensive rehabilitation” for damaged hair.


# 1 this professional brand is designed specifically for the care of thin hair — compacts it at the roots, making it more voluminous.