Kid in any case can not be considered lazy if the house will be its reduced activity. In that case, when parents are making him do any errands, for example, cleaning up toys, it will be simply to act up. For a small child going to kindergarten is a kind of work. And as adults get tired for a whole day, accumulating irritation to everything around him, also tired and the kids.

The younger students because of their age can't do constantly the same, especially if they are not interested. Also take a look at children's daily routine, as one of the school activities, modern parents are not limited.

Age 7 - 10 years children begin to attend clubs, music and so on. No wonder the whole thing they get bored very quickly. It is because of this reason they refuse to make music at home. What parents can count for laziness, is actually banal fatigue.

In 11 years, the child begins to actively communicate with their peers, which is much nicer house cleaning or any instructions. On this basis, parents should work with children to discuss their schedule planning home Affairs.


But there are situations when a child has no friends, and the whole day he spends on the computer, and be questioned, to do something about it.

Cannot be considered laziness the fact is, if he refuses to go to school and do homework, maybe he had a bad relationship with teachers and classmates.


Toddler is easier to get to talk to than the older child.

The child himself must realize that he has the same responsibilities as all members of the family. In the case when he has not fulfilled, for example, didn't wash their dishes, you can apply a penalty - to take away the most favorite toy. But it is better to teach a child to help you, even if you think that it's too small.