Rowanberry wine: preparation of raw materials and water trap
To prepare wine from black chokeberry Apple juice, you need to collect ripe but not mushy to the point of "potatoes" apples. The fruits should be thoroughly washed, remove core, cut into slices and pass through the juicer.
On a ten-litre glass bottle filled with freshly squeezed juice "in the hanger" will be enough 1 kg of chokeberry. Ripe Aronia is necessary to knead a wooden pestle to a pulp and mix with Apple juice, then add to the mixture the sugar amount to 200 grams per liter of fluid.
It is important that during the fermentation of wine at home, the drink is not poured from the container, so the neck of the bottle need to wear a rubber glove or make a simple water trap. It is a sealed lid with a hole and rubber tube, the end of which is omitted in standing next to a bowl of water.
The presence of ash will speed up the fermentation of Apple juice, with crushed berry will be a good absorbent and will absorb the slurry – homemade wine from black chokeberry becomes transparent.
Filtering and bottling wine.
After about a month and a half of wine fermentation from Rowan to Apple juice will stop. The resulting young drink must be carefully drained with a hose, to try and add sugar to taste. To stop the fermentation process wine at home should be added to the whole volume of liquid 50 g of vodka or 25 g of alcohol, and then give the drink to stand for a couple of weeks.
At the end of this phase, the Rowan wine must be bottled in clean bottles, seal them and send to storage in a cellar or cold pantry. Wine from Aronia melanocarpa on the Apple juice turns slightly tart, pleasant sour-sweet taste and dark red color. The same technology is possible to make alcoholic drink Apple juice with amelanchier, bird cherry and red ash.