What is domestic curse

In fact, to protect themselves from curses quite easily, especially when you send them ordinary people, in anger and in fits of hatred. Household curse is a bunch of negative energy that is sent sharply to your side and, like a fist, causing you the energy kick of varying strength.

For example, on the street you go and not bothering anyone, and then you are looking beggar or a Gypsy with requests for material assistance. You resolutely refuse alms and in return get a lot of curses and hexes, or during a domestic dispute with neighbours or relatives in your address sent is not very good wishes. In such situations, do not worry and fall into despair. From such people it is very easy to defend.

How to protect yourself from domestic curse

The main rule: do not panic and think that surely says it all to your address must surely come to pass. If your address are the curse, then try to sincerely laugh the offender in the face and say aloud one of these phrases:

"If God with me then who are you against me?"

"What you wish me, myself and swallow"

"No one has power over me, only God the master of my fate"

Any of these phrases will be the shield and neutralize the negative impact. You only need to utter these words with complete certainty, reflecting on each word told by you. If you do not get to laugh, that's OK. Importantly, your words sounded very confident and without a tremor in her voice.

If you curse in the back, in any case, no need to turn around. Just mentally build behind the stone wall and imagine how abandoned you after the words fly away from her, returning to the one who uttered them.

What to do about suspicious people

If the words of the curse gave you a deep emotional experience, you feel upset and depressed, it means that negative energy blow reached its target. It often happens that after some time hypochondriac a person's failures are beginning to literally fall. If you took a curse that must be cleansed. To do this, bring their thoughts in order to calm down and visualize the person who has cursed you. Try to present it as clearly as possible. Imagine a huge glass or any other container that you would cover her abuser, remember what he said to your address. Imagine all the words became tangible. Now mentally take a bag and put all the words of the curses in there, then raise your imaginary glass and give the offender a bag. Takes resist – shove power. Now let him go, taking with them everything that he said.