Every day we take the strength to work and parenting, we're all over the place. Hemoglobin is simply our immune system, on which depend our strength. For low hemoglobin always want to sleep, lost appetite, no strength to do something – waking up the usual laziness. Not clear to many that these simple symptoms are the result of low levels of hemoglobin.
Prescribed to pregnant women taking iron and folic acid to maintain hemoglobin levels. As the baby grows, it takes most of all "need juice" from mom. But after delivery, many mothers think about what you need to drink vitamins and to restore the weakened body. Because there is still so much of everyday life in which you need again and again to give everything the attention and upbringing of the child. And baby no one can replace the birth mom, so be sure to watch out for themselves.
If the body has low level of hemoglobin, it is easy to recognize, simple indications: hair fall, exfoliate nails, pale skin color and even weight loss. Of course, you should at least once in three months to visit a physician and undergo blood tests.
To quickly raise hemoglobin. Sold by iron (Fe) in pharmacies in different combinations. Better, of course, in the injections, but if you will give their doctor. And sometimes no time to visit a medical facility, and to stand in the queue. You can just buy iron tablets and take according to instructions. But take your time, iron is poorly absorbed when taken alone. That is, you spend on drink a course in the shuffle. You need to take along with iron, vitamins from group "b", with folic acid. It well contributes to the maintenance of iron in the blood. Prop vitamins you will feel strong and healthy.