If you are making your bouquet for the first time, I advise you to focus on one type of flowers. Each can be attributed to any style. The most common - massive. In this case, between the elements of the bouquet is no free space. An example would be a flower arrangement in a vase. To linear style include the bouquets in which vegetation is used sparingly and each element lives its life and is significant in its own way. Striking and simple example is ikebana.

Stylistic overkill. When composing do not use too many plant species - the work looks sloppy and congested. Limit yourself to 2-3 types of flowers and add decorative greenery.

Like any other creative process, the creation of the bouquet you can split the points:

  • The definition of the shape and composition;
  • The color combination and number of plants;
  • The layout of the bouquet.

You can make a bouquet of the flowers growing in your garden. They should be cut at an angle and place in water. Thick stems should be cut off with garden shears, and grassy with a sharp knife. Be sure to remove the bottom leaves and thorns before you put flowers in the water. Thus they will not decompose and will not corrupt the water, and it can greatly reduce the life of the plants. If you have flowers that have never been used in the preparation of bouquets - update the cut so the stem is not clogged with air and will be able to "drink".

You need to remember that the bouquets are of different sizes and each is preferred for your special occasion. On anniversaries and other major events would be appropriate to present large bouquets. For wedding suit is less bulky. It is important to consider the gender, appearance and personal taste of who presented the bouquet. For men, moderately large, elongated vertically, his whole appearance showing restraint and austerity of lines and shapes. For women bouquets can very different variations, borders for your imagination does not exist.

Make a bouquet, with joy in her heart. Because what you feel will be reflected in their color combinations and form. Experiment, create, and give people their creations, because with them You are giving joy and happiness!