What form Р14001
Statement Р14001 is the official form prescribed by law, and approved by order FTS the Russian Federation. It is intended for registration of changes related to the conduct of administrative, legal and economic activities of the company, namely: the conduct of activities of a legal entity or change of OKVED; the purchase, sale, inheritance or donation of shares co-founder; change of Manager or legal address; registration updated personal and passport data of the head or a member of society; correcting errors in data that were previously entered in the state register.
The application form consists of Р14001 51 of the sheet, each with the symbol in the form of letters of the alphabet, and shows the changes of a certain character:
sheet 001(page 1) contains the basic data about the firm, which should correspond to the information in EGRUL (the full company name in the official language, INN, OGRN;
list A (page 1) provides for amendments in the company name, served to correct the data in the registry that is different from the information in the constituent documents;
list B (page 1) intended for data submission, concerning the change of legal address is filled in also in case of adjusting incorrectly submitted information, or by making the coordinates of the new location;
- sheet (page 1-4) displays updated information about the participant – the Russian legal entity with a precise description of the data that have already been registered in the register, but are subject to change;
- sheet G (page 1-5) contains information about the participant of foreign legal entity, and similarly the sheet is filled In with all required information;
- sheet D (page 1-9) provides for the modification of data about an individual party;
sheet E (page 1-7) shows the changes in the information about the participant – the Russian Federation, constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the municipality and other state structures;
sheet W (page 1-5) contains information about the mutual investment capital, which includes a certain part of the share capital;
sheet W (page 1) to be completed on change of the share capital of the company, its redistribution among the remaining participants or sale;
list (page 1) is filled in case of change of information about the holder of the register of shareholders;
list To (page 1-2) contains data on the physical person who has the right to operate on behalf of a legal entity without attorney;
list L (page 1-3) is designed to display data changes on a managing organization;
- the list M (page 1-2) carries information about the control;
Sheet H (pages 1-2) displays the data change NACE codes;
List On (page 1-2) is populated when the information on the representative offices or branches;
The sheet P (page 1-2) is designed to make changes in the size of the authorized capital;
The sheet P (page 1-4) is the latest in the form Р14001, and carries information about the applicant, which makes the appropriate changes.
Features of form filling Р14001
In terms of making appropriate changes to entities need to fill out several sheets of forms Р4001 depending on the nature of the information, but leaves 001 (General) and R (the applicant) submitted in all cases. So, Р14001 change of Director requires filling sheets 001, K (the termination and the laying of the obligations of the Manager) and R. the Applicant in this case is the newly appointed Director. To change the passport data of the head, again filled the sheets 001 To (change the person) and R.
The application Р14001 with the notarial purchase and sale of shares the participant requires a more thorough approach. In this lead sheet 001, page 1 of the sheets C, d, D, E in respect of the participants, and the sheet p. the purchase of the member's share to a third person or another participant in addition to pages filled the sheet S with an indication of the share.
Having made the decision to change activities, you should bring the sheet 001, P, on page 1 of the sheet N to specify the NACE codes that need to be made in the register, and on page 2 – positions to be deleted. The basic code must be specified first in the list.
In order to avoid mistakes, and make in the register of inaccurate data, before completing the application Р14001 you must understand some main points:
in the form of the specified pattern are allowed to submit multiple changes, which is necessary to complete the appropriate page (for example, changing NACE + purchase shares of companies + change');
- it is forbidden in one form to make changes to the state registry and fix the mistakes made. In this case, you must submit two separate statements;
- filling Р14001 manually is printed in capital letters with a pen with black paste, and when printed on the computer - a font Courier New, size 18,0;
- in the case of registration statements Trustee will require the power of attorney certified by a notary;
cannot print documents from two sides.
Documents required to apply Р14001
Depending on the nature of the changes that are made in register, to form the specified pattern should be accompanied by appropriate documents issued in accordance with statutory requirements.
If you change the legal address along with the form Р14001 require the provision of documents to the new premises in the form of a copy of the certificate of ownership and letter of guarantee of the owner. To change the data about the Director or his passport data to the form Р14001 attached Protocol or the decision on the appointment of the new head.
For additions or deletions of activities of the company the statement Р14001 attached decision of the participants on changes of economic activities. Correction of previous errors and inaccuracies when providing information to the registry, should also be displayed in the corresponding Protocol, which is attached to the new statement.
In case of purchase of shares of a third party, to the form, you must attach a statement of withdrawal of the seller from the holders, a decision on the sale of shares, a contract, a receipt or a payment order confirming the payment of a share.
A statement of the form Р14001 regardless of the nature of the data placed in it, before serving in the registration and Supervisory organs should be certified by a notary. After making changes in the state register and the tax base registering authority shall issue to an applicant a record Sheet from the register, which serves as official confirmation.