Legislative framework

In addition to higher special education and age – not less than 25 years of legal experience for at least 5 years is required the candidate who wants to become a judge. This requirement is stipulated in article 119 of the Constitution. This seniority is calculated in accordance with the "Instruction on order of determination of seniority in the legal profession for candidates for judges of the Federal courts." This document was approved by the Ministry of justice, the Supreme court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1996

According to regulations, legal experience included the entire period of work in the legislative, Executive and judicial public authorities, municipal authorities and trade unions and other social organizations. This experience will include periods of work at any enterprises, if the condition for the duty in this position was higher or secondary legal education. Ie, if you worked as a legal adviser in a commercial company, this experience will be counted as legal. This provision of the Manual applies to people who did not have at the period of the higher or secondary legal education and received it only later.

Legal experience can also be included at other positions, but only when it was directly connected with the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of natural and legal persons, and concerned the strengthening of the rule of law and require special legal knowledge and skills of their practical application.

Women should know that legal experience includes periods when they were partially paid and additional leave to care for young children. But in this case leave should be granted when the above duties.

The basis for determining legal experience

Basis on which is calculated the legal experience are of record in the workbook. In some cases, to clarify his will need to provide copies of orders on appointment for the position, and job descriptions or other documents that contain information about performed workplace responsibilities. To be considered documents proving employment and legal experience in the Russian Federation and in the republics comprising the former Soviet Union.

In cases of dispute in determining a legal experience, the final decision can be made by the qualifying Board of judges. The decision taken by such Commission, shall contain a justification and motivation of the adopted verdict.