For used ointment

On the women's forum mums share their experience on the use of this drug for children with different problems. Abscesses, boils, induration after vaccination, inflammation of the lymph nodes, sores and bruises.

In medical instructions ointment is recommended for the treatment of abscesses and boils, lymphadenitis, burns, frostbite, wounds. It contains no prohibitory instructions regarding the application of ointment for children, i.e. a categorical prohibition to the use of children by official medicine there.

Side effects and contraindications

But the side effects from the use of the ointment is the possibility of allergies. It is manifested by rashes and itching of the skin. The same can be overdose. The only contraindication to the use of the drug possible individual sensitivity to its constituent components.

To avoid these unpleasant symptoms, even if you apply the ointment on the recommendation of a doctor, will not prevent before use to test for individual intolerance. Because children skin is delicate and very sensitive to stimuli.

Even little irritating natural component such as tar, can cause in some children undesirable reactions such as rashes and itching. The baby's skin is like a sponge, absorbs all the substances that fall on it. To avoid overdose, apply a thin layer of ointment.

When used in the form of compresses should not be allowed to ointment direct contact with the skin of the child. It is applied on a cloth or several layers of cheesecloth.

The arguments against the application of ointments

Many opponents of this drug. They believe Vishnevsky ointment long-outdated and ineffective means. It is necessary instead to apply a new, more modern antisepsis with the use of antibiotics.

The practice of applying this ointment is obsolete. It is impossible to apply it on the surface of the wound. This creates an oil film and prevents the access of oxygen. In an oxygen-free environment is the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria. Weak disinfectant action of birch tar is not enough to cope with the infection.

It is necessary to consider both points of view. Having made the decision to use the drug, apply it correctly, consult your physician. Only he can determine the severity of the problem. The doctor will decide to use the ointment or need a stronger antiseptic. This will help to cope with the disease, to avoid mistakes in application and unwanted allergic reactions in the child.