Cultivators and their application

The type of device and its working bodies choose based on the characteristics of the soil and weather conditions. For continuous processing of land use steam cultivators, inter-row cultivating, universal fit for those and other works.

Paraglide to the ground without turning on depth more than 12 cm is used, the chisel-cultivators. They represent the tools with narrow feet, mounted on a sturdy frame. Deep tillage without turning the soil necessary in the spring in areas of excessive moisture and where there is irrigated agriculture. Light chisel work the land at a depth of 25-30 cm, heavy — 40-45 cm

Ripper paws called narrow, usually chisel the tools used to work with a soil devoid of weeds. They are mounted on rigid or spring strut. The clipping from the clutches noyabrska or Lancet form, they are used to destroy weeds, shallow pruning and loosening the soil without turning.

The order of execution of works

Modern cultivators are equipped with adjustable depth of tillage and speed of movement. If the plot solid ground, it is recommended to first carry out the cultivation at a shallow depth and then increase it.

The main tool of the cultivator are the mills, in most models they are made in multiple sections. Changing the number, select the desired width of the treatment. If the soil is clayey and heavy, the number of partitions should be reduced.

To thoroughly plow the soil, you need to choose a fast speed of rotation of the cutter and a slow speed. Following the cultivator, it is necessary to provide uniform movement. You can leave the back cover dragging on the ground, it will help to level the plowed field.

After completing all the work, the cultivator is cleaned from adhering earth by using a wooden scraper. Then a jet from a hose washed the milling working bodies. To prevent corrosion, wipe unpainted metal parts with an oily cloth.


Before starting work, you need to clear the area from foreign objects and debris, large stones, glass and pieces of metal can bring tiller down. You should not use both handles forward and reverse, this will damage the transmission.

The cultivator with sharp rotating cutters, the contact with which can cause injuries, therefore hands and feet should be at a safe distance. To work you need to use tight-fitting clothes, sturdy gloves and shoes with thick soles.