The concept of genre in journalism

The genre is called sustainable forms or types of journalistic work, combined with similar substantive and formal features. In journalism there is a well-established system of genres. However, this does not imply that genre palette is not updated. At various turning points in the development of society new genres or synthesize existing ones. The reason for this is the desire of the journalist as deeply as possible and versatile to tell the audience about the reported problem.

Information genres journalism

Texts informational genres constitute a large reservoir in journalistic work. These genres are characterized by promptness, brevity, accuracy and clarity of information presentation. Their goal is a quick message about the event with some detail. Group informational genres include: memo, report, informational interview, interview, reportage.

Note – the simplest form of response to the event. It is a summary of the phenomenon.

Report is media coverage of events in the format of conferences, presentations, seminars, meetings, meetings, etc. In the report must be set out the main themes of the performances, the reaction of the audience.

Interview, as a genre, does not imply a journalistic analysis of the responses of the interviewer. The main task here is to obtain information without evaluation. Poll – a similar way of getting information from the interviewer. Only the answers to the questions journalists have to not from one person but from many people.

The report suggests timely coverage of events or through the prism of journalistic opinion, either from the point of view of an eyewitness.

The specificity of the analytical genres in journalism

In the analytical genres is broad and detailed coverage of facts and their evaluation, generalization, and commenting. In this direction of journalistic creativity, it is important to consider and interpret events. Analytical genres are: correspondence, review, article, review, investigation.

The genre of correspondence involves a detailed analysis of the situation. In this genre, the journalist identifies patterns of reality on the basis of the analysis of a specific event.

The review has a well-defined research subject. Basically, the objects of the review are works of art, journalism, cultural events and objects, etc. the Genre of the review involves only the evaluation of an event by the author, but his analysis and promotion of socially significant problems.

Article – the text in which the journalist explains the various phenomena, identifies trends, developments, analyses the experience of solving any problems, criticizes inefficient decisions.

Display the style could be similar to an article, but is intended to provide a panorama of events with examples and details.

The subject of a journalistic investigation is usually any glaring negative phenomenon. The purpose of the investigation is to identify the causes of this phenomenon.

Features artistic and journalistic genres in journalism

Artistic-publicistic genres involve, first and foremost, the author's impression of the event. These genres include: essay, essay, feuilleton, pamphlet. Artistic-publicistic genres can wear shape and an expressive nature. They are quite complicated and require the journalist not only skills, but also life experience.