Basic traits

A woman born under the sign of Libra immediately catches the eye. She's sophisticated and charming, always dressed with taste and can easily maintain a conversation on almost any topic. She's a born coquette, it is not necessary to the question of how to charm a man. This woman does not like conflict and tries to keep the peace.

As a rule, women born under the constellation Libra, possess extraordinary mental abilities. In their arguments they strike the source of his truly masculine logic. These women have a very unique mind, and they can easily surpass a man in conversation.

However, the Scales have enough natural intelligence to openly demonstrate intellectual superiority over the man, at least until the end of their honeymoon.

Primary trait Scales is assessing the attitude. Female Scales are often not confident in their actions, it is constantly gnawing doubt that she is doing everything right.

Libra is very fond of beautiful and expensive things. They appreciate luxury more than any other Zodiac sign. If her partner is able to provide her a decent life, then she can be a caring housewife. If the money in the family will not suffice, it will be to work along with her husband for the sake of their overall well-being.

Scales easily to achieve success in work. These women get along well with everyone in the team. They are not prone to conflict, and their sharp mind helps them to make a successful career.

Usually, Libras are able to preserve good looks to old age. Others have the impression that time has no power over it, or Libra discovered the secret of eternal youth and attractiveness.

Relationships with men

The woman-Libra does not tolerate loneliness. For her, marriage is a mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation between two equal partners. She will take part in the life of the elect, will be able to immerse themselves in its problems, will continue to help him in achieving success.

It is able to warn her man against rash impulsive actions. Libra is able to do it very gently, absolutely not imposing their views.

Libra rarely let their emotions get the best of me. Even the average woman-Libra has good mental capacity and ability to analyze the situation deeply.

In family life it will always give your chosen space. Libra will not stoop to in order to start spying on her husband to read his correspondence or to call all numbers from the phone book.

Female Libra loves to talk, but can become a very attentive listener. Near her a man can feel truly happy.

Relationship with children at the Weights add up too bad. She is able to recognize the character of his child almost from the first days of his life. The woman – Scales can be their children's true friend, and they are not afraid of condemnation, would be to tell her his secrets.

Her main calling is to be a real woman. Here she will strive for perfection.