Pension for loss of breadwinner is financial compensation for a child the income of the deceased father or mother. This compensation, of course, is partial, is approximately 50% of the confirmed income of the deceased parent. If children in the family two or more, the compensation shall be equal to the full wages of the breadwinner.

The design of pension for loss of breadwinner

Pension survivor benefits can be issued in the Pension Fund, which is necessary to provide a certificate of death of parent, birth certificate of all minor children, the passports of all adult family members and employment history of the deceased, a certificate from his previous job and proof of his income for the last 60 months, military ID, if applicable. A pension for loss of a breadwinner can be obtained at the time of death of father or mother, she will be paid the child reaches 18 or 23 years if he continues to study in secondary or higher educational institution. In addition, if you have lost one of the parents the child is not yet 18 years of age, he is entitled to a social Supplement to pension. Usually a portion of funds allocated from the Federal budget, and part is made up from regional.

Extra benefits

In addition to cash payments for the child left without the care of a parent, put some social benefits. However, there are many of them depend on the region of residence. Until the child receives a pension for loss of breadwinner, he is also entitled to free travel on public transport in the city, without any surcharges to all required textbooks in your school, visit some cultural events such as theatrical performances, plays, Museum exhibitions.

He can count on free meals at school. However, this benefit is highly controversial and not performed in all educational institutions, so as usual free school meals are only available to the poor and large families.

Applicants who have lost their parents, go to the UNIVERSITY on preferential terms. If a child is small, up to 2 years should be given the power to breast the kitchen, and up to 3 years, he should be provided with all necessary medicines which the physician writes the prescription. In addition, these families receive discounts on utilities. About all the benefits you need to know in the Department of social protection, region-specific, as social assistance can vary greatly, depending on place of residence of the person and the adopted laws.