The development of self-esteem depends on school grades. Taking as main reference point the assessment of teachers, children identify themselves and other members of the group of children in the category of high achievers and losers. As a result, each group gains the set of relevant qualities. The level of achievement in the primary grades – assessment of the personality and social status of the child. During this period, teachers and parents, it is important to understand and delineate the concept of "assessment activity" and "personality assessment". Unacceptable are situations when an evaluation is transferred to the personal qualities of the child. Negative opinion about the work of the kid be imprinted in his mind with the phrase "you are a bad person".

The self-esteem of first graders is almost entirely dependent on value judgments of adults. 3-4 class has a transition period, which dramatically increases the amount of negative self-evaluations. Dissatisfaction extends to communicating with classmates and learning activities.

The types of self-assessment of Junior schoolchildren

A number of studies have shown that younger students have all kinds of self-evaluation: high stable, adequate, stable, unstable, pointing towards the inadequate over-or underpowered. With age, the children formed the ability to correctly assess themselves and reduces the tendency to overestimation. Most rare in this age is a stable low self-esteem.

Type-esteem of the child can be determined only on the basis of value judgments about himself, but also against the achievements of other children. Increased self-esteem is not always expressed in praising yourself, often you can notice critical judgments on the activities and work of their peers. Students with lower self-esteem, overestimating the achievements of classmates.

Kind of self-esteem, and behaviors

Does not require special tests to determine the type of self-assessment. Children with adequate type cheerful, active, sociable and have a good sense of humor. Finding errors in your own work gives them the enthusiasm and interest. When choosing jobs, they focus on their capabilities, having failed, next time will prefer the less complex work. High self-esteem makes children active, striving for achieving success regardless of the activity.

Low inadequate type is easily recognizable in primary school children: a proposal to check their work they refuse to do or perform without making any corrections. Encouragement and promotion is able to bring them to their activities and to revive the enthusiasm. Focus on the possible failure makes such children are closed and unsociable.