Planting almond Pink foam
Seedlings of ornamental almonds sold in stores for gardeners. Planted the young plant in the open ground in the traditional way – in a spacious and moderately deep hole. We must remember that the width of the landing pit is affected by the length of the roots of the plants, proper planting, each root must be spread and carefully lay in a horizontal position.
Immediately after planting is necessary to cover the soil around plants a layer of mulch with a diameter of about 50 cm Mulch of rotted manure or peat is an effective tool to fight the plants, weeds that can simply "score" the seedling.
After planting a young shrub needs extra feeding with mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium and nitrogen. It is recommended to buy ready-made mixture, that is only in a specialty store. By the way, to plant almond Pink foam should be in a Sunny place, as a shrub growing in the shade, can bloom quite sluggish and not as beautiful as you would like.
Care of ornamental almond
All care almond Pink foam is reduced to the timely pruning of plants. Pruning should be performed annually, immediately after the shrub withered in late spring.
Removing too hystorectomy brushwood is a necessary procedure which in the autumn is the formation of new annual shoots. It is these shoots in the spring are all charming amazing pink flowers.
In order to protect ornamental shrub from pests (spider mites and aphids) and fungal diseases (powdery mildew), its spring should be sprayed with a solution of 1% Bordeaux mixture (a mixture of lime and copper sulfate).
Spraying is recommended once in two weeks throughout the flowering period.
To protect the almonds from pests, you can use an effective folk remedy, to cook which is very easy – just grind 200 g of garlic and pour the resulting slurry was ten liters of warm water. Spray the shrub can be very next day after the garlic infusion.