Causes cooling

Psychologists first in the list of reasons that cause the weakening of sexual desire to the spouse, is called stress. Indeed, the life of a married working woman is not easy, but if the relationship itself is all right, it could not be the reason for the refusal sex. So, in the absence of attraction to her husband we must not blame our "modern life", and something else.

Of course, problems at work, in a life overflowing Cup female patient and she can no longer see her husband as his stone wall. As a consequence, the denial of him as a strong male. That is, at the level of instincts, the woman understands that this partner is untrustworthy and that it would be nice to find someone else. On a conscious level at this point, the husband hears: "I'm tired and squeezed like a lemon!".

The woman, concerned with the lack of sexual interest to her husband, will have to start to answer yourself a few questions, and then discuss the issue with the spouse. The situation in each case is different, but the basic questions sound like this:
1. Do you have the ability to do only at home will the husband take on the full financial support of the family?
2. If the husband would earn enough, will it change your attitude to it and whether it will revive your sex life?
3. What prevents you from relaxing: thoughts on work and life or irritation from inappropriate actions of her husband?
4. What should the husband do to make you feel a burning sexual desire?
5. You still love your husband?

By answering these questions, you probably will discover a lot of new in myself and in the relationship with your spouse.

How to regain attraction to my husband

If you decide to fight for the preservation of your family, and the sexual side of marital life plays a huge role, then you need to make certain steps for this. If the reason for the reluctance in the daily fatigue from household chores, with a quiet conscience to shift some responsibilities to the husband or discard them! Maybe a hungry husband in wrinkled clothes, sweaty, will seem to you incredibly sexy, especially after a lazy day with a book on the couch.

Analyze your sexual fantasies. Who do you see there, what is the object of desire of your husband? Try to share your fantasies with your spouse and motivate him for any changes in appearance, behavior. Of course, not always, these changes must go beyond your bedroom.

Don't push your desire, if you think now's a bad time. In married life, between understanding each other husband and wife there is a time and place for many things. For example, if the emerged from the shower in a towel wife brought you, don't delay sex for tonight. The body does not understand you and will be avenged by the extinction of desire, which you do not use.