Studies have shown that chickens, which began to feed in the first hours after birth, survive for 20% more. This should take into account the quality in the incubator the eggs, if physiological indicators below normal, the Chicks are not viable or to lag behind in development.

Features feeding

In the first two days the youngsters give chopped hard-boiled yolk and add semolina in small quantities, so food was quite crumbly. You can enter the diet of crushed shells, cleansed from thin films.

Brood should be fed quite often, every two, three hours and even at night. As a drink using yogurt or low-fat yogurt, but since Chicks can't handle a liquid diet, it is necessary to use a pipette.

In the next three days the diet is not changed, except that a yolk can be added chopped protein, and yogurt and clean boiled water to put in separate troughs.

With five days of age the Chicks learn to eat finely chopped herbs: alfalfa, green onion, nettle, clover, chickweed, the leaves of sorrel. The diet is introduced sprouted grain and low-fat cottage cheese.

In a week should I give crumbly mixture into the yogurt, fish or meat broth. It is useful to use chicken feed with dry milk. This mixture allows for a long time to leave, allowing the Chicks to self-regulate food intake.

On the tenth day of life can enter into the diet of vegetables: pumpkin, squash, grated carrots, and boiled potatoes. From that day in a separate trough covered with sand or gravel to prevent gastrointestinal disorders. Give the chickens crushed chalk or shell. At this age, go to the mode of feeding every four hours, abandoning the night's feeding.

Gradually the amount of grain in the feeding increased. As they grow older the Chicks are learning to find more food in the fresh air, so the frequency of feedings is reduced.

The contents

Remember that dirty drinking water can cause many infections. Drinkers should be designed in such a way that Chicks can't climb. Change the water two to three times a day, depending on the weather and pollution. Waterers must be cleaned and disinfected every week. And to prevent infections in water a weak solution of potassium permanganate once every two weeks for half an hour.

Clean bedding for Chicks as important as proper feeding. In the early days the bottom of the box where the chickens can lay Newspapers or sawdust. Since chickens constantly switched on lamp, the litter should be changed 2-3 times a day.