Country-style potatoes

Of course, in the village all prepare a little differently, but this recipe is so named because it is very easy to prepare and does not actually require any refined ingredients. To keep things simple, and therefore rustic.

In order to prepare this pork with potatoes in the oven, take: 1 kilo of pork 6 potatoes, 2-3 carrots, 2 onions, 100-150 grams of cheese, half a litre of 1.5% milk, teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of hops-suneli, 100 grams of butter, vegetable oil, a little pepper and herbs.

First slice the potatoes, carrots and onion rings, and butter and cheese – small cubes. Now grease a baking dish with a small amount of vegetable oil and start to lay out the vegetables in layers: first the potatoes, then carrots, then onion rings. On top of the vegetables place the sliced cubes of butter and cheese. On top of all this salt and pepper. Now you can move on to pork. Slice it into fairly large cubes and salting and flavoring with pepper, put into a frying pan and fry on high heat until the pieces do not form a crust. The meat inside can be eaten raw – it doesn't matter. Importantly, there was a crust. Now place in a form and meat, putting it on top of all the vegetables and a little salt and pepper. Meat again put the carrots, onions and pieces of butter with cheese on top – again a layer of potatoes. Again season with salt and pepper. Just count the quantity of salt to 1 kg of meat 1 teaspoon of salt. Prepare the filling for the dish: combine the milk, Khmeli-suneli, a little salt and pepper. Pour cooked mixture on top of the dish so that it reaches the top layer of potatoes. All, cover the top with foil and load in a pre-heated to 200 -220 degrees oven for a couple of hours. When the vegetables and the meat is ready, sprinkle all grated cheese on top and leave a little longer in the oven so that the cheese melted and formed a crust. At the end sprinkle the dish with greens and serve.

Meat in French

It would seem that the complete opposite of the previous recipe, but it is simple and turns out no less delicious. What you will need: 800 grams of pork, 1.5 pounds of potatoes, 3 onions, 200 grams of mayonnaise 150 grams of cheese, salt and pepper.

Lay out the dish on a baking tray layers: the bottom – chopped pork, then mayonnaise mesh, then – chopped onion. Potatoes cut into strips and mix with remaining mayonnaise, then put this mixture on top of the layer of the onion. You can now send all in oven preheated to 220 degrees, and about 5 minutes before the potatoes are ready, you need to sprinkle the top with grated cheese and put back bake until done. After you remove the dish from the oven, let it stand for a bit and cool down, and enjoy.