Indications "Askorutin"

Capillary permeability is enhanced in many diseases. It's infectious and viral diseases: measles, scarlet fever, dysentery, hemorrhagic fever, SARS, influenza. "Askorutin" shown in septic endocarditis, hypertension, sciatica, gout, allergies, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Strongly affects the capillaries and varicose veins. Especially at the stage when there's significant swelling, ulcers, or occurs severe venous insufficiency. "Askorutin" strengthens the walls of the affected vessels, reduces inflammation and prevents blood clots.

This drug is not intended for emergency stopping of internal bleeding, but it helps eliminate their root causes – weakness of blood vessels. Therefore, it is effective in treatment of nasal, shaky, intestinal and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

If menstruation is too profuse, long-lasting, is also necessary "Askorutin". But this should be made only after the conclusion of the gynecologist. When excessive menstrual bleeding due to hormonal imbalance, one "Askorutin" not – needed hormones.

The disease is especially unpleasant for women: rosacea. The capillaries dilate and show through on the face. The cheeks, nose and sometimes the forehead, chin are covered by a grid of red blood vessels. In this case, "Askorutin" taken internally, and externally the skin is treated, for example, a lotion-tonic with calendula, which tightens pores and capillaries.

"Askorutin" is recommended in the treatment of drug, irritating the mucous membranes of the stomach, primarily aspirin. It is also useful, if poorly clotting blood, long time to heal wounds, disturbed carbohydrate metabolism, a weakened immune system.

Ophthalmologists prescribe "Askorutin" people with retinal degeneration. The drug, strengthening the capillaries of the eyeball, improve their nutrition, but also helps prevent bleeding in the retina that can cause blindness.

Children may be given "Askorutin" from the age of three. His technique is particularly recommended, when starting a flu epidemic. The drug strengthens the immune system of a child organism. It is proved that if children accept "Askorutin", then get the flu three times less.

The drug

"Askorutin" is a combination of two vitamins: C and P, taken in equal proportions, 50 mg. Ascorbic acid is one of the main vitamins that regulate metabolic processes, a powerful antioxidant. The vitamin P or rutin (rutin) bioflavonoid that protects mainly the capillaries and veins.

"Askorutin" should be taken after food swallow the tablets whole. If they chew, ascorbic acid will destroy the enamel of the teeth. It is impossible to wash down tablets with mineral water, because it partially neutralizes askorbinku.

There is an analogue "Askorutin" – "Profilactic". He's got the same composition, only the proportions are different: vitamin C twice as much, and vitamin R half. It is, as its name indicates, a preventive drug, for the treatment he is weak, in this little routine.

Side effects

Very rarely due to hypersensitivity to ingredients Askorutin" nausea, pain in the stomach and intestinal spasms, diarrhea. Sometimes allergic reactions, high blood pressure, insomnia.

Long-term use "Askorutin" or larger doses can cause the formation of stones. In addition, the drug may threaten the pregnancy, so it is impossible to use in the first trimester.

"Askorutin" is contraindicated in increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, kidney stones and bladder, gout, diabetes.