Meat-and-bone meal is a product of natural origin, it is prepared from by-products and discarded carcasses of farm animals by heat treatment with subsequent drying and grinding. The finished product contains not less than 50 % protein, essential amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. In appearance this product is a dry crumbly mass with a specific smell, it can have various shades from gray to brown, as well as different fineness of grinding.

Where to use meat-bone meal

Meat and bone meal is widely used in agriculture: it serves as an additional source of protein for pigs, poultry and young farm animals. This Supplement is also included in the diet of Pets: cats and dogs. Meat-and-bone meal is easily digested because it contains nutrients in a biologically available form.

Adding meat and bone meal in feeding enables:

- to increase the nutritional value of the main feed due to the enrichment of amino acids, vitamins and proteins;
- to reduce the consumption of food;
- to normalize the metabolism in animals;
- stimulate growth and reduce the incidence;
- to increase the productivity of poultry and farm animals.

In addition, meat-and-bone meal proved as a safe and effective fertilizer for plants grown in open ground.

Why the need for meat-bone flour

The use of meat and bone meal as a dietary Supplement, you need to:

- proper growth and harmonious development of young animals;
- strengthen the musculoskeletal system elderly and handicapped animals;
- the shortfall of vitamins in females during lactation;
- quick recovery after physical exertion, including childbirth and breastfeeding.

Menu Pets meat-and-bone flour is added gradually, mixing it with other feeds. It is best to combine the flour with liquid food, in particular, with cold soups. Its quantity in the diet of cats and dogs depends on the weight and age of the pet, but the daily consumption of meat and bone meal should not exceed 100 g.

Meat-and-bone meal is the most available raw materials of animal origin for the production of quality feed. In General using this nutritional Supplement can be made more economical the process of cultivation of agricultural animals and to improve the quality of the final product.