The use of arginine

Arginine supports optimum level of cholesterol in the blood, positively affects the condition and function of the heart and blood vessels, so the dietary Supplement "L-Arginine" can be taken to prevent atherosclerosis. This amino acid prevents the formation of blood clots and adhesion to the inner wall of blood vessels. As a result, significantly reduces the risk of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.

Arginine stimulates the synthesis of insulin, growth hormone, accelerates wound healing, improves functioning of the prostate gland, stimulates the production of sperm. The drug makes the cleansing process of the liver and kidneys, cleanses the muscles of nitrogenous wastes, helps heal wounds, increases the mass of muscles, stimulates an increase in strength.

Pathology such as diffuse spasm of the esophagus caused by smooth muscle spasm. The cause of this disease is the lack of L-arginine in the body. The disadvantage of this amino acid leads to faulty operation of the valve 12 duodenal ulcer, as a consequence, there is a stomach ulcer. To prevent this disease are advised to take biodobavka with arginine.

Arginine is able to enhance the cytotoxicity of macrophages with the antitumor nature. It increases the quantity and improves the activity of T-helper cells, which is one of the main links in the development of the immune response. Amino acid increases the number and enhances the activity of LAK (lymphokines activated killer) and NK (natural killer cells), stimulates antitumor aggression. Supplement with arginine reduces the risk of developing diabetes of the 2nd type, normalize the timing of puberty in children.

How to take "L-Arginine"

"L-Arginine" is recommended to be taken in the following cases: in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration of the liver, kidney diseases, arthrosis, arthritis, female and male infertility, depression, delayed sexual development in children, prevention of atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, benign and malignant tumors.

"L-Arginine" to take daily 1 capsule 2-3 times a day. The drug is taken 40 minutes before eating. Food Supplement with amino acids effective in the treatment of hypertension: 2-3 grams of arginine per day reduce the tension of smooth muscles of arteries and cause a reduction in diastolic (lower) component of arterial pressure.

Before taking L-Arginine should consult a doctor. The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to its active substance, during pregnancy and lactation, mental disorders, diseases caused by the herpes virus.