How to fix a peeling at home?

There are professional beauty treatments, get rid of the peeling. This is the mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, fruit acid peeling, various programs and intensive moisture renewal. However, not everyone can find money to visit beauty salons.

Steam inhalation is one of the best ways to eliminate flaking on the face at home. Heat water in a saucepan and then throw the grass: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and others. After that, cover up with a towel with the head and give skin as it should to steam. The duration of the steam inhalation should be at least 10-15 minutes. No mechanical action with a person produce don't simply breathe on the ferry. After 15 minutes, take a dry towel and do not wipe them, gently Pat the face. Indeed, under the influence of steam, the skin is very sensitive; the pores are expanded, the extra dirt in a glass of water. Now you can wipe the face tonic, but it needs to be alcohol free. Because alcohol dries the skin, so toner can cause more flaking. If tonic without alcohol does not, then immediately apply on face quality moisturizer. It is included in the compulsory program. Steamed skin really absorbs the cream: face instantly becomes soft and shiny, and peeling leaves.

Hyaluronic acid can be used at home to deep moisture face. Prepare the serum alone. Take 15 ml neroli hydrolate 10 ml of hydrolate of lime, 0.2 grams of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, 0.2 grams of allantoin and 0.8 ml of dexpanthenol. First, add the dexpanthenol, hyaluronic acid and allantoin. Then pour the warmed mixture hydrolat. Use a blender to make the mass homogeneous. Apply the serum on the face. After it you can use a moisturizer. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is good because it does not remain on the surface of the skin, and penetrates into its deeper layers.

Moisturizing mask

To remove the peeling, use moisturizing facial masks. So, the banana mask is very simple and nutritious. Mix in a bowl 1 tsp butter and 1 tsp of honey, add the pulp of banana. Apply the mask on face and after 25 minutes rinse with water. Practice washing your face with honey water. Mix the honey and water in equal amounts and only wash your face with this mixture.

For the removal of peeling actively use various vegetable oils. Take 1 tbsp of honey and mix with 1 tbsp grape, apricot, peach or any other oil. The longer you can keep the mixture on the face, the softer it will become. However, if you just will cause vegetable oil to the face, it will also help eliminate flaking.

Hydrates the skin with warm baked milk with oatmeal and grated carrots. Take this amount of ingredients to their mixture resembled a liquid slurry. Keep the mask on your face for half an hour and then rinse and apply a moisturizer. Dairy products such as kefir, yogurt, sour cream and cream - the best assistants in the fight against peeling.

After any mask, gently massage your face with fingertips. At this time, it is easy to feel the slide of skin. Then rinse your face with water again and apply moisturizer.