The meaning of the word "promenade"

The word "promenade" is quite outdated and has French roots. Translated from the French "promenade" means "walk".

Thus, this word in the 19th century was called the easy relaxed walk. At the moment, the word in this sense is used more as irony or a joke, rather than seriously.

However, this word has found fairly widespread in our days. Now, especially when abroad in tourist brochures, you can see the phrase "You will daily nice promenade. In this case, the word "boardwalk" means a walk from the hotel to the beach and back. In this context, the word carries no irony. In addition, it is widely used in the tourism business.

Besides all this, the word is directly related to dancing, particularly the dancing. This dance came at the time of the common people and soon won the hearts of the nobility. The dance usually consisted of several figures, one of which was called "promenage". This figure represents the joint steps partner and partner, unfolded to the left relative to the partner. Some dances were allocated "promenage open" and "closed promenage". They differed only by the positions of the stop partners.

But at the end of the 19th century the word acquired the meaning which had nothing to do with either dancing or walking. This word became known as a light dinner in the restaurant or café. Usually it was a simple tea party or a light meal.

But that's not all meanings of the word "promenade". Very often the word can be found in many culinary recipes. The word means fried carrots and onions, which is then subjected to pickling with vinegar over high heat. This dish is often used in marinating chicken kebab or lamb, in order to give the dish enough richness. But as it turns out, its just confusing with the word "marinade".

Use in the context

The word "promenade," a huge number of values, so its meaning in a particular sentence will depend on context. Very often it can be seen in such phrases as:

"Young garden ladies Yes ladies promenade go to do."

"Across the hall from one door to another are a pair of dancers, and the best man toiling - Promenade! Monsieur, boardwalk!".

"They went to take a promenade in one of the closest restaurants".