In our days, as never before, the rich range of means by which a woman can make herself more beautiful and to change their appearance given the wardrobe, the environment, and just mood. Eyeshadow, lipstick, bronzer and hilitary for skin, colouring shampoos and hair dye, and permanent makeup, false eyelashes, changing eye color lenses and naroscheny strands of hair – all of these accessories have long ceased to be something exotic. Despite this, many women still can't figure out how to emphasize the natural beauty, for example – what color hair is best suited to amber eyes?

Amber eyes color – what color type?

First of all, you need to determine which type is the owner of the amber eye color. It can be attributed to the so-called "warm" color, therefore, will have to choose between colortype "spring" or "autumn". With high probability, the girl with eyes the color of amber is "spring girl". This appearance is characterized primarily by skin with warm peach or Golden tint, and skin tone can be quite bright and not very dark.

Hair belonging to the complexion girls by nature have a copper color or dark brown or chestnut colour. And in many cases it is the natural color of the hair is ideal for girls, but sometimes really worth it to make it more intense or change the shade of hair a few shades. Can't do without coloring the hair and those women who are suffering from appearing in his mane of gray hair.

What hair color will suit amber eyes?

If you weighed all the "pros" and "cons" and actually believe that without the hair dye you can not do, then your amber eyes and skin the warm shade, ideal bright red and copper hair color. These shades will enhance your natural beauty and will make an unusual color of your eyes even more profound. You should avoid only pale-red hair, which is able to make you look pale and unhealthy.

A huge number of girls prefer to wear light color hair. If you like when the mirror looks at you beautiful blonde, then choose a Golden or honey, but in any case not platinum blonde – it absolutely will not work.

How could you not like shiny Raven hair on other girls, in any case, do not paint your hair black. It can make you, if not unattractive, at least nondescript. In addition, you will be quite hard to get rid of the black pigment on their hair.