Before going to pass a theory in the traffic police, you will need to enroll in a driving school and learn the theory. It is advisable to attend all classes, as learning the rules of the road by yourself is not that everyone. Typically, the theoretical part of it in any driving school is studied over 1-1. 5 months. After that it seems to so-called internal exam, without which you will not be allowed to the practical part of training – driving.

How to quickly learn the rules of the road

If you want as soon as possible to learn the theory and go to practice driving, it is best to not teach the rules in the brochure and exam fees. When memorizing traffic rules you have to keep in mind a lot of nuances and exceptions to the rule, and during the cramming of tickets you will achieve great results. It is best to learn from all 40 tickets, distributing them for 10-14 days. Optimal learning for 2-4 tickets a day. You can go at the end of the learning rules, online test SDA to strengthen the acquired knowledge. If you make a mistake in some matter, then you should brush up on the ticket, where there is this question.

If you do not pass the internal theoretical exam at the driving school, do not worry. You may be allowed to retake the theory, giving some time for preparation. Usually given 3 to 5 attempts, after that, if you do not pass the exam, I can advise you to go through the theory again, but with another group.

Submission of theory in the traffic police

After passing of theory and practice in a driving school, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of the traffic police. This year all those wishing to become owners of a driving licence will have to answer 40 questions (2 tickets), committing no more than 1 error. For everything you are given 20 minutes within which you will need to retake the exam.

In order for the first time to take the theory exam in the traffic police, you will need not to worry and to correctly calculate time remaining. Before undergoing the test it is better to repeat or to brush up on tickets for the SDA. If you think you will be able to take the exam, using the telephone, crib or other kind of tips, you are mistaken, the traffic police will not allow you to do so.

That is why you have to rely only on themselves and their knowledge.

If you do not pass the theory test in the traffic police the first time, then you can always take it again with her or another driving school or on their own.