A Deposit of fertility - well-balanced diet, after all, to prepare for pregnancy we still at the planning stage. The body of both partners wishing to have a baby should receive a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that provide the necessary level of hormones that stimulates the production of sperm from the future father, normalizes the functioning of the ovaries and production of eggs in women.
Vitamin E stimulates the sexual function of both men and women. It is called "vitamin reproduction". It has a positive effect on the pituitary gland to produce fertility hormones. With its help normalize menstrual disorders and inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages. The pharmacy vitamin E sold in the form of monopreparations and vitamin complexes. The dose and regimen should be prescribed by a doctor-a gynecologist. It usually involves receiving 200 mg per day in the period from 15 th to 25-th day of the menstrual cycle. Of foods rich in vitamin E, include in the diet of a pumpkin and pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkin not only improves fertility but also reduces the risk of toxicity in the mother. And pumpkin seed oil cleanses the body from toxic substances and radionuclides, helps to improve the digestive system, which will carry the increased load during pregnancy.
Folic acid will help women planning a pregnancy. It is like nothing else improves the fertility and helps the body prepare for child bearing. In combination with antioxidants, which include vitamin E, folic acid prevents the risk of abnormalities and defects of development of nervous system in the unborn baby. The standard scheme involves administration of folic acid in the amount of 1 mg three times a day from 5th to 14th day of the menstrual cycle. As for food, folic acid is found in cereals, beans, green vegetables, berries, mushrooms, corn, spinach, eggplant, carrots and cauliflower. However, from the food she absorbed in full and to provide the daily dose of this vitamin, you must take appropriate medications. Folic acid is useful to men who wish to become a father. A daily intake of 1 g folic acid reduce the chances of fertilization by sperm with damaged chromosomes.
At the planning stage it is necessary to fill the shortage of vitamins of group B. the Lack of B1, for example, can cause disruption of the nervous system. Therefore, diversify the diet of plant foods: grains, legumes, nuts, apricots, beets, carrots, spinach, potatoes. Vitamin B2 is necessary for proper formation of bones, muscles and nerve endings. To help future baby to gain weight and build bone tissue, in the body of the mother should be enough vitamin B2 for two. It is important that the woman before pregnancy regularly consumed food sources of vitamin a: animal products (eggs, milk, liver), legumes, spinach, rose hips, leafy vegetables, cabbage and tomatoes.