The benefits of using the tonic for hair

Tonic is a very soft and safe means for painting of hair. It does not dry hair, does not destroy its structure, as do most hair dyes. Due to the oil content of skin has skin care properties, nourishes and moisturizes the hair, prevents split ends.

The big advantage when using a tonic is that the color lasts on the hair is not long, about 2 weeks, so she can change shades very often. And use it very easily, and the color palette can please many girls.

When using the tonic, the hair becomes healthy and shiny, and much easier styling. Girls even buy the tool just to liven up dull hair.

What is hair tonic choose

Quite a popular tool among consumers is the tonic of the firm "Tonic". Great choice of colors attracts many, even the most daring experimenters. With this composition it is possible to dye hair in soft light tones or to give them a pink or bright blue. The biggest advantage is that "Tonic" for the hair rests for a few weeks, and if desired, easily removed with lemon or yogurt mask.

To give Shine and elasticity to hair, you can use the tonic, ESTEL". This brand engaged in the production of means for hair care and dyeing. The composition is completely washed out of hair after 6-8 times. It can be used as the vehicle by which it is possible to check whether the shade of the hair and whether to dye my hair into it on a regular basis. And also, the "ESTEL" is the mango extract, which protects hair, rebuilds their structure and gives them a stunning Shine.

Unfortunately, many tonics are not able to paint the gray hair, the exception is part of the "Londa". If the amount of gray hair does not exceed 50%, the toner will paint them perfectly. Besides, due to the content of reflective microspheres in its composition, the hair acquires a beautiful shimmer, brightness and beautiful color.

The choice of tonic for the hair, it is a very individual thing. Most importantly, choose a trusted manufacturers who give full guarantee on the quality of the product. This makes it possible to achieve excellent results in toning the hair.