Causes of sciatica

The pain may be triggered by hypothermia, excessive physical exertion, injuries, hernia, osteochondrosis of the spine, narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal with formation of osteophytes, drop, long a sedentary lifestyle. In case of viral, toxic damage of the sciatic nerve, tumors, also causes a sharp pain to eliminate is difficult.

What drugs to use for pain sciatic nerve

To relieve acute pain you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antispasmodics with analgesic components. If you have a first aid kit is "Nise", "Ibuprofen", "Spazmalgon", "trigan-D", take one tablet with a glass of water. In a pinch, you can take aspirin or paracetamol.

Not in the acute period the use of heat treatments, apply heating pads or ice packs. Such methods will only aggravate the situation that will exacerbate the pain.

It should be noted, nonsteroidal funds does not solve the problem. Therefore, it is necessary to address to the neuropathologist to go through the spectrum of necessary examinations and to obtain the advice of a specialist for proper treatment of sciatica.

To get rid of the pain and not to think about it, it is recommended to undergo the treatment course in hospital. With the inflammation of the pinched sciatic nerve will prescribe a course of vitamins of group b, blockade with the use of corticosteroids. To remove acute pain syndrome will help "Ketanov" in the injection. Not less effective the mixture of Dexamethasone, vitamin B12 and procaine.

In the acute period recommended complete rest, bed rest. Strictly contraindicated to use physiotherapy, massage, electrical stimulation, acupuncture, manual therapy.

Further treatment of sciatica

Two weeks to medication, you can add physical therapy, massage, UHF, phonophoresis, physical therapy under the supervision of a specialist. That the pain never returned, you need to take the entire course of treatment, observe the basic rules: do not lift heavy objects, avoid viral and colds, strengthen the immune system, to take breaks during the working day and to perform light exercise. It is recommended to sleep on a hard or orthopedic mattress. With excess weight need to take weight loss to visit endocrinologist and nutritionist.