The term "hyperhidrosis" is referred to in medicine sweating regardless of reasons for its occurrence. For premenopausal and menopausal periods, this phenomenon is quite natural and it is not experience only 10% of women. To deal with women's physiology is meaningless, because a decrease of sex hormones – estrogen is closely linked with the centres of the brain responsible for thermoregulation. However, to improve overall condition and reduce the number of tides a day, is quite real.

Possible ways to correct excessive sweating

Starting 1-2 years before menopause, "hot flashes", which are characterized by lightning-quick influx of heat, an accelerated heart rate and release of copious perspiration, may be from six months to 2-3 years. Rarely these symptoms last for a decade. Despite the fact that excessive sweating is temporary, not all women are willing to put up with it.

Some in search of the most effective method go to the surgeon to remove the problem sweat gland or to inject botulinum toxin, which blocks nerve impulse coming to her. I must say that these procedures are not always justified, as held in the underarm area, sweating during menopause can be extended to other areas. Yes, and if pot really stood out mainly in the axillary area, after the surgeon manipulation, you may experience compensatory hyperhidrosis elsewhere. But when sweating becomes severe, the above measures can be adopted.

Often relieve the symptoms of menopause helps simple adjustment routine. Experts advise not to overload the body with excessive exercise, but moderate physical activity during the day improves night sleep and reduces nighttime hot flashes and suffocation. Helps vitamin including vitamins B, C, E.

In the diet should also adhere to moderation as hot drinks, spicy food, liquid, teeming with caffeine only contribute to increased sweating. Preferred plant food, rich in rough fiber, vitamins and phytoestrogen. It is believed that such a menu gives the possibility of Japanese women easily overcome menopausal changes. It is seen that a sufficient amount of alcohol consumed per day of water not only helps replenish the loss of liquid during sweating, and to reduce the number of "tides".

Hyperhidrosis medicines and folk remedies

Excessive sweating is just an outward manifestation of the decline in estrogen levels, which leads to disruption of the Central nervous system. So no need to treat sweating by blocking the sweat glands through surgery or using antiperspirants, and it is better to pay attention to the condition of the nervous system. Experts say that the hardest climax occurs in people who are in constant stressful situations at work and at home. Should get rid of the source of stress, as the condition improves.

Quite often women during menopause become more irritable, tearful. In this case, it is assigned a light sedatives or sedative herbs, including motherwort, mint, mugwort, Valerian, chamomile, yarrow and many others. These herbs have a calming effect and help regulate the menstrual cycle, if it began to stray.

Climacteric neurosis are recommended to drink cranberry juice or BlackBerry in ¼ Cup 3 times a day. Course duration is 14 days, followed by a break. If depressive disorder is not curable with herbs and sedatives that the doctor prescribes a mild dose of antidepressants. When the "tides" are accompanied by headache and increased blood pressure, no antihypertensive agents can not do.

The preparations of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) should be resorted to in extreme cases. On the one hand, they Supplement the deficiency of female hormones and the condition improves. But these drugs have a synthetic nature and therefore, can cause irreparable harm.